mapa menorca cami de cavalls

New Camí de Cavalls 360º map by Editorial Alpina

mapa menorca cami de cavalls

From now on, Camí de Cavalls 360º will provide to their participants the most updated map that you can get right now. Based on the Editorial Alpina’s map of Menorca and Camí de Cavalls, Camí de Cavalls 360º map includes a set of improvements and updates to enhance the experience of their participants. These are some of the changes and improvements that have been made:

1) Correction of small changes that have been made in the route GR 223 – Camí de Cavalls in recent months and years.

2) Suppression of paths that no longer exist, which have been closed or have become impassable.

3) More proposals for alternative routes for mountain biking.

4) More deviations to interest points and alternative routes for hiking.

5) Marking of points of interest, deviations, etc. by using the codes of the milestones of GR 223 – Camí de Cavalls.