
The price of Camí de Cavalls 360º is calculated for each specific request, with the aim of offering the best possible price depending on the dates, the number of participants, the stages or the accommodation preference.

How can you find out the price of Camí de Cavalls 360º?

To know the price of Camí de Cavalls 360º you have to fill in the pre-reservation form. When you click „Next“, two things can happen:

  1. If the selected options are available to book online, we will immediately offer you a specific program with the corresponding price. If the program does not completely suit your needs, you will always have the option of requesting a customized program by clicking the „Customize“ button.
  2. If the selection is not available for online booking, you must send the reservation form and we will send you as soon as possible a program proposal with the corresponding budget.

Sending the form does not imply a confirmed reservation unless the reservation is completed online.